about us

We know Romania and you’ll love where we take you! Our team of professional guides and local travel business owners create unique and fabulous tour experiences for newcomers to wonderful, authentic, Romania!

we hope you share our

mission & vision

The Traveling Tulip experiences focus on authentic, sometimes even hidden, landmarks (may they be above or under-ground), experiencing Romania as a local and discovering the enchanting Romania, as we see it. And we like to keep the groups small too – no larger than 20 people to ensure that YOU have a personal experience.

We are passionate about our home and deeply dedicated to Romania and we are experts at making you create memories in each neighborhood or region we explore. We are committed to keeping your brain full of fun facts and finds, your body present and active and your belly curious and satisfied.

We take our sweet time in developing new tours. At the moment, we offer several well-researched and well-curated city and country tours and we’re very proud of each. Try them all!